PlayStation vs Xbox: Lifetime Global Hardware Sales Show PS5 Dominating Xbox Series X|S

Published: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 07:47:31 GMT

PlayStation vs Xbox: Lifetime Global Hardware Sales Show PS5 Dominating Xbox Series X|S

o, Sony recently dropped the PlayStation 5 Pro and, of course, the internet's buzzing. But here's the juicy part—let’s dive into the lifetime sales data between PlayStation and Xbox consoles. You ready for this?

The PS2 Era: Sony Dominates

Back when the PlayStation 2 and Xbox came into play, it wasn’t even close. The PS2 sold a whopping 155 million units worldwide. And the Xbox? Yeah, just 24.7 million. Basically, PlayStation was the cool kid at school, while Xbox was still figuring out how to make friends.

PS3 vs Xbox 360: A Tight Race

Fast forward to the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation, things heated up. The sales were almost neck-and-neck—PS3 sold 87.4 million, and Xbox 360 wasn’t far behind with 84 million. Not bad, Xbox. Not bad at all.

PS4 vs Xbox One: The Gap Widens

Now comes the PS4 vs Xbox One era, and Sony just left Microsoft in the dust again. The PS4 hit 117 million units, while Xbox One lagged behind at 57.9 million. That’s nearly double the sales!

PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S: Half the Sales, Twice the Drama

With the latest numbers in, it’s clear Sony’s still holding the crown. The PlayStation 5 has sold 61.7 million units globally, while the Xbox Series X|S is sitting at around 28.3 million. Yikes, that’s less than half. Xbox fans, what’s going on?

Mixed Reactions from Fans

Some Xbox fans are defending the brand, saying, "It’s not the sales, it’s the games." Others? They’re straight-up disappointed with the hardware performance, pointing fingers at Xbox’s reliance on third-party acquisitions. Makes you wonder—should you really buy an Xbox just for a few exclusive titles?

PS5 Update: New Features Galore

Oh, and speaking of the PS5, it just got a sweet update. We're talking about some serious upgrades—Party Share, Welcome Hub, adaptive charging, and custom 3D audio profiles. The Welcome Hub lets you trick out your home screen with backgrounds and widgets, while adaptive charging? Well, it’s going to make your controller’s battery last longer. Who doesn’t want that?


  • PS2 dominated Xbox in sales by a landslide.
  • PS3 and Xbox 360? A much closer fight.
  • PS4 outsold Xbox One by double.
  • PS5 is still crushing Xbox Series X|S, selling twice as much.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, Sony's still the king of the console wars. Xbox fans might point to Game Pass or the occasional exclusive, but when it comes to raw sales numbers? PlayStation’s still the one to beat.

What do you think? Is Xbox worth buying just for the exclusives? Or is Sony’s PS5 still the king of consoles? Let me know in the comments!

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